Monday, June 10, 2019

You will always encounter challenges and roadblocks. Will you always alway them to defeat you?#thecontrolfactorisyou #levelupyourvision #thecontrolfactor #imusezic #lagrandenterprises

Thank you, Joe!! You are always a pleasure to work with and talk shop with as well. You did a great job last night recording Shannon Wright’s CD Release for me. See you on the next one.

I was walking to my truck on this day a year ago when I noticed this single beautiful mushroom in full bloom amidst this perfectly green and manicured grass. It just caught my eye so as always in such moments I captured it. One day I will have a book of my such photos along my life’s journey. Even as I create music, website content, album and book covers, chances are they are created from pictures I have personally taken over the years. It’s just an extension of my creativity. Use all of the gifts God has blessed you with. #thecontrolfactor #thecontrolfactorisyou #levelupyourvision #lagrandenterprises #imusezic

Today’s brunch. Time to continue the journey. #thecontrolfactor #thecontrolfactorisyou #levelupyourvision #260inprogress