Monday, November 18, 2013

Here's the end result for today and tomorrow. National Blue Ribbon Schools

Using the Yamaha CL5 for this gig.

Setting up my Hot Seat.

Yesterday's setup for National Blue Ribbon Schools. Bass cabinet and Center fills about to go up.

Yesterday's setup for National Blue Ribbon Schools. Line Array about to go up.

My favorite Afghan Restaurant "The Awe Shack" in Crofton, MD. Here's my wife's dinner! #DinnerWithWife

My favorite Afghan Restaurant "The Awe Shack" in Crofton, MD. Can't forget the unleavened bread! #DinnerWithWife

My favorite Afghan Restaurant "The Awe Shack" in Crofton, MD. See how they take care of the regular customer, ME!! #DinnerWithWife

Wednesday, November 13, 2013

Tosin Abasi Interview and Guitar Demo - Sweetwater Guitars and Gear Vol. 54

Saturday, November 2, 2013

'Preachers of LA' Take On Critics, 'Even Jesus Had Haters'

The Top 10 Bad Business Handshakes

This video is TOO funny & True!!  The Top 10 Bad Business Handshakes.